Find Your Freedom

Fresh Start

PO BOX 124
Margate Beach QLD

Why Pick Me

Why Pick Me?

I have spent a lot of time analysing my competition, especially when they are renowned hypnotherapist from across the globe and have so many wonderful testimonials from celebrities, politicians etc…

I have listened to many downloads and I found that I was VERY DISAPPOINTED in the way that most didn’t deliver the therapeutic results that hypnosis is renowned for.  Some of the downloads YOU pay for were composed of 70% music as a filler in the background with very little talking! I ask you, did you pay for music or for a session to help you?  

Well it’s been just over a year of disappointments and increasing frustration, so I decided to create and formulate the best, result-based and effective Hypnosis Audio Downloads that are available in the marketplace today. I loved creating each and every hypnosis audio download being totally focused to help my clients understand and tackle their issue ONLY with success being the acceptable outcome!  

My downloads are between 40 minutes to just over an hour, because they are therapeutic, and you need to listen to your download each night for 12 weeks to make a positive and permanent impact.  I need you be fully aware, I only have your positive outcome as my chief intention.  I have been in the place you are in most probably many times, I know how you feel and what you need to do, by looking at this website for help tells me you are at the right place at the time, and know this, YOU are my VIP and you will always be exactly that, my VIP client.

Let me remind you again, you MUST listen to your recording every night for 12 weeks, if you want changes at a core level, you too have got to put the work and effort in, you know this.  That is why you are reading this blog, you know YOU have to do the work to create the new thoughts/beliefs and neural pathways in your mind to gain the amazing benefits that hypnosis offers.  I get excited knowing that you are starting this journey in your life, and be assured, I am with you every step of the way, two way communication is a priority in the business of helping people, you are always respected for the questions you may ask or the individual support you may need.

Venetia Van Wijk Von Reuth

Venetia Van Wijk Von Reuth

I am a Certified Hypnotherapist and a Rapid Transformational Therapist. I came across Marisa Peer, believe it or not, quite by accident, and I am delighted and exceptionally honoured to say that I have been trained by the best!