Your New Year’s Resolution for 2023!
NB: This content has explosive swear words. I am unapologetic of that too! So you have woken up and its 2023! Congratulations you have managed to scrape through the previous year relatively unscathed and facing the brand spanking new one. And you have made some serious NY Resolutions that are truly inspiring and you follow […]
The Brain and Hypnosis
When a person is under hypnosis, specific areas of the brain have altered connectivity and overall activity, according to recent studies by the Stanford School of Medicine. Researchers studied 57 individuals while hypnotized, in a similar manner that they would use to study other mental health issues like anxiety, depression, and more. They noted the […]
Why Pick Me?
I have spent a lot of time analysing my competition, especially when they are renowned hypnotherapist from across the globe and have so many wonderful testimonials from celebrities, politicians etc… I have listened to many downloads and I found that I was VERY DISAPPOINTED in the way that most didn’t deliver the therapeutic results that […]
Weight Loss & Hypnotherapy
Weight loss is an issue that a surprisingly large percentage of people struggle with. Are you aware that… age-standardisation comparison in the 2011-2012 Australian Health Survey revealed that 28.3 per cent of adults in Australia were obese, with a staggering 63.4 per cent being overweight or obese. The statistics are indeed quite shocking. The worse […]