Find Your Freedom

Fresh Start

PO BOX 124
Margate Beach QLD

Venetia Van Wijk Von Reuth offers Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) which includes hypnosis and regression techniques. Often a single session is all that is required to achieve results, however, some clients may need two and occasionally three sessions.
RTT & Hypnosis is entirely natural, safe and relaxing. Clients remain conscious and in complete control throughout but feel a strong sense of relaxation.
During an RTT session the client is regressed back to early memories to help discover the root cause of their issue then the client and Venetia Van Wijk Von Reuth work together using different tools to gain understanding of where the belief/behavior originated, with the view to change it.
RTT alone is no guarantee of success. The client must want and be open and motivated to change, to take on board the recommendations of the therapist and to listen to their personalised recording continually for at least 21 days.

I understand that Venetia Van Wijk Von Reuth is not a licensed physician, psychologist, or medical practitioner and the information, techniques, methods, recommendation by Venetia Van Wijk Von Reuth are not intended to substitute for the diagnosis and care by a qualified physician/GP, nor to encourage the treatment of illness by persons not recognisably qualified.

If you use RTT and are under medical care for ANY condition do not make any adjustments to ANY prescribed medication without the approval of your doctor. If in any doubt you should seek your GP’s advice.

I give Venetia Van Wijk Von Reuth full permission to make audio recordings that may include my voice and I understand that if a recording or recordings are made during or after my session, Venetia Von Reuth holds full copyright over any forms of media that may be produced and distributed to me. I hereby grant permission to Venetia Von Reuth to respectfully lift my arm, touch my shoulder, or rock my head during the course of my RTT session(s) in order to facilitate the deepening process.

I consent that Venetia Van Wijk Von Reuth may release information to a specific individual or agency if it has been determined that a child or elder is at risk of or is currently being abused; or if I, as a client, am in imminent danger myself or to others.
I herby give Venetia Van Wijk Von Reuth full permission to hypnotise me and to use Rapid Transformational Therapy in the knowledge that I do so at my own risk. I accept that while RTT has a high success rate, Venetia Van Wijk Von Reuth does not guarantee results and that the success of session(s) depends greatly on my own ability and desire to affect change. I release Venetia Von Reuth from any liability or claims concerning my mental and or physical well-being during or following the treatment that has been outlined and agreed upon by filling out this form.

Caution: Epileptics or anyone diagnosed as having psychotic illness are generally advised not to enter hypnosis unless medically cleared by a GP or qualified Specialist/Doctor, Psychologist, or Medical Practitioner.